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I. Purpose

A. 本员工申诉调解程序(“程序”)的目的是执行最全菠菜网院(“学院”)的员工申诉政策(“政策”)。.

B. 本程序规定了员工使用调解解决问题的程序,而无需使用正式申诉程序, upon mutual consent of the Parties.

II. Scope and Applicability

A. This Procedure applies to any Grievance, as defined in the Policy, that is alleged by a College Employee.

B. 本程序不适用于政策例外部分中规定的事项, except mediation of interpersonal disputes.

C. To the extent that the College Manual conflicts with this Procedure, this Procedure supersedes the College Manual.

III. Definitions

A. 本程序中所有大写术语的含义均与《菠菜网最稳定正规平台(中国)有限公司》或《菠菜网最稳定正规平台(中国)有限公司》中规定的含义相同.

B. All other capitalized terms in this Procedure have the following meanings:

1. 调解员是中立的第三方,在提交申诉之前或之后,试图协助双方解决问题, 对争议的内容或解决的结果没有咨询或决定作用.

IV. Mediation

A. 在申诉表格提交之前或之后以及正式申诉程序结束之前的任何时间, 投诉人或被投诉人可向CCFPO或指定人员提交调解表格,请求调解员协助解决申诉.

B. Even though interpersonal disputes are not grievable, 员工可以通过提交《菠菜网最稳定正规平台(中国)有限公司》请求调解协助解决与另一名员工之间的人际纠纷, including a description of the issues to be resolved.

C. If a Grievance was previously filed, 提交调解表格将自动延缓正式申诉程序中所有适用的截止日期,直至调解由一方或双方完成或结束.

D. Consent

1. CCFPO或其指定人员将向另一方提交《菠菜网最稳定正规平台(中国)有限公司》,请求对方同意调解.

2. 另一方应在调解表上声明其是否同意,并将调解表交回CCFPO或指定人员.

3. If the other Party consents, CCFPO或其指定人员将通知请求调解的一方和决策者,并进行调解. If the other Party does not consent, CCFPO或其指定人员将通知另一方调解将结束,正式申诉程序将继续进行.

4. If at any point during the Mediation, either Party wishes to withdraw consent to mediate, the Party must notify the Mediator, 调解员应将《菠菜网最稳定正规平台(中国)有限公司》标记为因撤回同意而未解决,并将其提交给CCFPO或其指定人员,后者将通知另一方.

a. If a Grievance had been previously filed and the matter is grievable, CCFPO将通知在提交调解表格时正在考虑的步骤的决策者,调解已经结束,正式申诉程序将继续进行.

b. If the matter is not grievable, the process will end.

c. If a Grievance was not previously filed and the matter is grievable, 员工可在根据《菠菜网最稳定正规平台(中国)有限公司》提出申诉的截止日期内提出申诉.

E. Appointment of a Mediator

1. If the Parties agree to mediate, the CCFPO or designee will appoint a Mediator, who will be a College employee or specially retained outside mediator who:

a. Has previous experience or training in conducting mediation; and

b. Is not employed in the same division as the Grievant or Respondent.

2. If either Party is not comfortable with appointed Mediator, 一方当事人可以要求CCFPO或其指定人员指定外部调解员.

F. 调解员将被要求签署调解员保密声明表.

G. 调解员应在任命调解员之日起的十五(15)个工作日内与双方联系并安排调解会议.

1. 调解员将就调解程序提出建议或确定调解程序.

2. 调解员可以要求双方提供书面陈述或摘要,也可以联系其他人员获取信息, as determined by the Mediator.

3. 调解员收到的信息应保密,仅在“需要知道”的基础上共享,不得与任何可能在任何步骤中担任决策者的个人共享.

4. 专门为调解准备的陈述或摘要以及调解员所做的任何笔记将不会在后续步骤中被考虑,也不属于记录的一部分.

H. 如首次调解会议未能达成双方均可接受的解决方案, and if both Parties agree, 自调解员被任命之日起,调解员可以安排随后的调解会议,但不超过四十(40)个工作日.

I. If one or both Parties fail to appear for a scheduled Mediation conference, the Mediator may, but is not required to, reschedule the conference once, 前提是新的日期是在最初会议安排日期后的十五(15)个工作日内.

J. If the Mediation results in a resolution acceptable to both Parties, the Mediator will complete the Resolution Section of the Mediation Form, describing the resolution that was reached, and send a copy to both Parties.

1. 双方必须签署已填妥的调解表格,并将签署后的副本送交调解员.

2. Upon receipt of the signed Mediation Form from both Parties, the Mediator will submit the Mediation Form to the CCFPO or designee.

K. 如调解未能达成双方均可接受的解决方案, 调解员应将调解表标记为未解决,并在确定双方无法达成协议后的两(2)个工作日内将其提交给CCFPO或指定人员和双方,但不会就申诉是否合理提出结论或意见.

L. Upon receipt of the Mediation Form from the Mediator, CCFPO或指定人员将通知双方,如果申诉悬而未决, 在提交调解表格时正在考虑的步骤中的决策者, stating that:

1. The Mediation resulted in a resolution and the Grievance is concluded; or

2. The Mediation did not result in a resolution. If a Grievance is pending, 正式申诉程序将在提交调解表格时正在考虑的步骤继续进行, CCFPO或指定人员将向双方提供任何适用截止日期的修订日期.

Procedure Title: Mediation of Employee Grievances Procedure

Policy Category: Human Resources

Policy Owner: President

Policy Administrator: Executive Director of Human Resources

Contact Information: Suzanne Boyer,, 410-777-2045

Approval Date: October 23, 2023

Effective Date: October 25, 2023

History: N/A

Applies to: All College employees

Related Policies: Employee Grievance Policy

Related Procedures:


Relevant Laws: N/A